Big Brother Canada 6 live feed spoilers: Nominations and scrambling (day 43)
In the end, though, the nominations were precisely what you would have expected them to be. Derek chose to put up on the block Johnny and Ryan, which further established that Johnny is the target to leave the game this week if he has a say in it.
As a result of this, Johnny is of course scrambling more than he ever has before and two of his decisions from the past week may already be coming back to bite him. First, it was the decision to not use the Power of Veto on Will, especially since Will now could compete for the Veto and save him with it. Then, it was voting to evict Will over Erica. Clearly, Will doesn’t feel as confident that Johnny values him as a #1 anymore; Johnny has to make up for that, and one of the ways in which he’s trying to do so is by insisting that if he can choose a Veto player he will choose Will to fight and hopefully save him.
(Here’s a major slice of irony to all of this: Had Johnny used the Veto on Will last week, Erica would’ve been the replacement nominee and there’s a good chance Canada would’ve voted to save Erica. Basically, him using that would’ve helped him on all fronts, though obviously he can’t be aware of all that now.)
Related – Did you read our full exit interview with Erica?
The Veto will be later today and of course, we’ll have more updates on it in due time. We don’t think there’s a high likelihood of it being used unless Johnny, Will, or Ryan end up taking it home. Nobody has any incentive to save Ryan at the moment and how many other people really want to do something to upset Daela at the moment? Unless there’s a financial incentive there may not be too many other people gunning for the win.
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