Big Brother Canada 6 live feed spoilers: Who’s the week 7 HoH?

Big Brother Canada 6 premiere

Just in case you are wondering precisely who is the week 7 HoH within the Big Brother Canada 6 house, rest assured that we’ve got this news within!

Basically, this was a really important Head of Household for Derek to win, largely because of the fact that with Erica out of the game, him and Kaela are suddenly the biggest threats by a mile. They are king and queen of the house and almost everyone wants them out. This is basically an opportunity for some people to try and dethrone them.

In the end, though, they didn’t really get that chance! Derek ended up being named the new Head of Household and with that, the showmance is once again in power. Also, Johnny is completely screwed. He just had it out with Kaela during the eviction show and it’s going to be altogether tough for him to be able to walk that back.

Of course, Johnny is doing everything that he can at the moment in order to save his own hide, and that includes doing his best in order to grovel to Derek and Kaela in order to save himself. The weird thing is that there were two votes to keep Erica and for some reason, Johnny isn’t owning up to it. That just makes him look at the shadier and likely will send him out depending on what happens next. Ryan and Johnny are both probably in danger, but there’s also a case to be made for Daela to try to put a dent in some of the other contingents in the game. Right now Johnny doesn’t have a clear ally, but the danger in keeping him is that he’s almost certainly going to be targeting Daela next.

Related Check out some other news when it comes to tonight’s shock eviction

Check out the video below for more on the eviction tonight — if you enjoy this one, be sure to subscribe to our YouTube Channel!

What do you think is going to happen this week in the Big Brother Canada 6 house? Be sure to share right now in the comments!

Meanwhile, be sure to also like CarterMatt on Facebook in the event you want some other insight when it comes to the Global series. (Photo: Global.)

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