Big Brother Canada 6 live feed spoilers: Veto players; Ryan’s faulty plan (day 8, morning)

Ryan Ballantine

Coming up with a big plan early on in Big Brother Canada 6 can make for great television, but ery rarely is it actually a great move for your game if you are Head of Household. It stinks, but early HoHs benefit the most from either being fairly upfront about your plan or just doing what the majority of the house wants and blending back into the background.

Based on most of what we have seen to date, Ryan is not altogether willing to do either one of those things at this very moment.

Let’s start off here by noting the Veto Players for the week: Ryan (of course), nominees Hamza and Andrew, and then Erica, Jesse, and Johnny. Ryan’s done his best this morning to try and dissuade people from trying to win the Veto so that either himself, Hamza, or Andrew can win it. His plan at present is pretty clear: Get up Olivia as a replacement nominee and try to get her out of the game.

What we will credit Ryan for is this: Olivia is infinitely more dangerous than either Andrew or Hamza. She hasn’t done too much wrong in the game and that is precisely the point. She’s not super-close to Ryan and she’s also someone who could go under the radar for a long time and take the spot of someone else at the very end of the season. That makes her so much more threatening than someone like Hamza, who is clearly on his own and can be taken out at virtually every possible moment.

Here’s where Ryan screws up: Acting to a lot of people that he has a larger plan and then not telling them what it is. If he was smarter about this, he would just let the Veto play out, realize that he can’t puppeteer everything right now, and then see what happens from there. If he has an opportunity to backdoor Olivia then, go with it and then campaign to get her out at this point. He should have just realized that Hamza and Andrew are good competitors and have a good shot at winning; if he doesn’t get a chance to take the shot this week, it’s not the worst thing in the world either. Nobody would’ve been mad at him; now, there are some who feel like he is shady.

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We will be back later in the day with the results of the Veto Competition. For now, be sure to like CarterMatt on Facebook to get even more insight when it comes to the series. (Photo: Global.)

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