Celebrity Big Brother live feed spoilers: Who is HoH #3? (day 13)
Let’s start things off by saying this: We hate that CBS is doing what they are when it comes to placing the HoH Competitions for this show after the episode. It’s leading to long waits to learn the winner. The good news tonight is mostly just that the live feeds returned at around 10:52 p.m. Pacific time, which is far and away from last week when they came back when almost everyone America was either asleep or getting up to go to work.
This competition for power was physical, which is somewhat surprising given that there was a pretty heavily physical component in the last one, as well. Also surprising (or not)? For all of that physical competition, Metta World Peace can’t seem to win a challenge to save his life.
Ariadna Gutierrez officially won her way into power, which is interesting for about two different reasons: She’s gotten almost zero air time all season and she also isn’t all that prominent of a player so far. That changes things this week, when she’s going to have a lot of people in her ear all telling her they know the right thing for her to do. This should be fun just for the sake of unpredictability. Omarosa is an obvious choice to boot, but there was talk around getting rid of Shannon Elizabeth last week. Ross has already said that he’d like to see Metta and Omarosa on the block with Shannon being the backdoor target. Of course, Ari does not have to listen to what he has to say here at all.
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Also worth noting here is that in the event that Metta is actually on the block come eviction time, he may try to forcibly convince every single person to vote him out since he’s so over this whole ordeal.
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