‘NCIS’ season 12, episode 20 preview: Robert Wagner, Marisol Nichols, and ‘No Good Deed’
Tonight, “NCIS” dipped back into the past for an episode entitled “Patience,” where the name of the game was getting to see a case that was so many years in the making. Also, this just so happened to also be one where McGee felt shut out at times by Gibbs and Tony, who had a lead on a cold case that he ultimately knew nothing about.
Next week, Tony could take the spotlight front and center for “No Good Deed,” which is going to be a story all about how Tony gets some help from his girlfriend Zoe Keates (Marisol Nichols) in order to help solve an extremely complicated case. Not only that, but the ATF’s role in this case could cause some strife between agencies. On a less dangerous note, Robert Wagner is also going to be back as Tony Sr., who will be there to help Tony and Zoe take the next step in their relationship.
If you haven’t seen the official synopsis for this episode, take a look at it below:
“DiNozzo is partnered with his girlfriend ATF Special Agent Zoé Keates after evidence reveals that the murder weapon in an NCIS case was originally purchased for the controversial ATF sting operation “Operation Fast and Furious.” Also, Anthony DiNozzo Sr. returns to town for a special dinner to meet his son’s girlfriend.”
What you are hopefully going to see during this episode is a real sense of where Tony’s life is going moving forward. One thing that often complicates this is that we can only see love interests so often, and with the show’s procedural nature, it is hard to give you consistent updates. Things appear serious between him and Zoe on the surface right now, but will it stay that way at the episode’s end? We will have to wait and see.
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April 1, 2015 @ 3:07 am
I want to see Zoe Keats hit the road. Then again GG mentioned that one scenario is to bring Ziva back to find Tony in a relationship. On that basis then it is okay if she stays. lol Always good to see Robert Wagner. I think Papa DiNozzo will tell Tony to take a pass on a relationship with Zoe which makes Tony a tad mad. Have to wait and see. Also would love to see the rest of the cast Abby, Ducky and Palmer a little more. I miss those guys. Nice to see Director Vance back for a whopping 3 minutes this week. Maybe he will stick around for 5 minutes next week. All said in jest folks. All said in jest! lol
Dana Jo jGraslie
April 1, 2015 @ 3:41 am
I feel the same when it comes to Zoe Keats. Something happens to where Tony ends up upset with Senior and I’m sure it will involve Zoe. I read another article where Glasberg had said that Zoe wasn’t the one that Tony was going to marry and she wasn’t the one for him but I too, have to believe that this isn’t going to last. Doesn’t mean this is her last episode. They could stretch this out through next season but I sure hope this will be goodbye for Tony’s clone of a girlfriend.
April 1, 2015 @ 5:09 pm
Do you remember where you read the interview with GG? I would just love to see an episode where we see Tony’s skills as a great, brave, and smart agent highlighted instead of seeing another Senior episode where Tony walks around in a nervous snit while others shine. That joke has gotten old. TPTB using Tony for nothing but the humiliation moment has gotten old. Can’t they give him a dramatic and suspenseful episode instead? They’ve certainly written plenty of the them for Gibbs and McGee this season. I would like to see Zoe and Tony continue a mostly off screen relationship, but since it’s Tony, and they seem to love to write the “comedy” of personal failures for him, I imagine this relationship will bite the dust. That way the can keep the tiva fans hopeful and on the hook. They don’t mind sacrificing Tony to promote favored actors and favored agendas.
Dana Jo jGraslie
April 1, 2015 @ 11:53 pm
I remember reading this interview when they first introduced her but maybe he changed his mind about where the relationship is headed. I don’t know. I know some people think they are cute and I don’t hate Zoe. An off screen relationship is always possible. Did you like Tony in last nights episode?? I know a lot of people were impressed by the amount of the episode he was in. Many people were also upset at how McGee was behaving when he found out about the op and the fact that him, Ziva, and Gibbs all knew about it but him. Still, my Tiva shipper heart will always hold out hope for them to end up together but for now, there are worse people he can be with than Zoe.
April 2, 2015 @ 11:29 pm
I thought Tony was fine in Patience. I felt that everyone had a part to play and to me, those are the better more enjoyable episodes. Honestly, I’m so tired of poor little St. McGee that I was glad to see him portrayed as the jerk instead of Tony for a change. I feel that Tony will pay the price though. He is definitely scheduled to play the team’s butt monkey in the upcoming Lost in Translation and if this season’s usual writing practices continues, we’ll see plenty more of insignificant or butt monkey Tony while Gibbs and McGee shine in any plot or scene that is exciting or matters in the NCIS world. I fear next week’s episode once again won’t put Tony in any danger or portray him in a flattering way. I think that the writers are justifying, by giving us a story they can point to as Tony centric, so that the finale can feature and flatter the usual McGibbs pairing.
April 2, 2015 @ 11:29 pm
I thought Tony was fine in Patience. I felt that everyone had a part to play and to me, those are the better more enjoyable episodes. Honestly, I’m so tired of poor little St. McGee that I was glad to see him portrayed as the jerk instead of Tony for a change. I feel that Tony will pay the price though. He is definitely scheduled to play the team’s butt monkey in the upcoming Lost in Translation and if this season’s usual writing practices continues, we’ll see plenty more of insignificant or butt monkey Tony while Gibbs and McGee shine in any plot or scene that is exciting or matters in the NCIS world. I fear next week’s episode once again won’t put Tony in any danger or portray him in a flattering way. I think that the writers are justifying, by giving us a story they can point to as Tony centric, so that the finale can feature and flatter the usual McGibbs pairing.
Dana Jo jGraslie
April 3, 2015 @ 2:01 am
I totally get your frustration with Tony. Next week sounds like more grief for Tony but that’s what happens when Senior visits, especially twice in one season. lol I liked “Patience” in general but it wasn’t exactly Tony centered, it just featured Tony in more of the episode which sadly, we’ve been lacking lately. I have to laugh at the idea of Bishop going with Gibbs to Afghanistan while Tony is left behind. There is just not much I think they can do with character that will impress me. We will see about next week because Tony and Senior do tend to make up somewhat after every episode he appears in. As long as they don’t kill Senior off, there is hope. lol