‘Big Brother 15’ finale: Aaryn Gries says that she would play again … seriously

The latest -We know that everyone was looking to get a pound of flesh from Aaryn Gries after her time on “Big Brother 15,” but we really don’t think that you got that from her post-finale interview with Jeff Schroeder. The only thing we really got out of it? That she really doesn’t seem to be that remorseful yet, or understand the impact some of her comments made on people outside the house. Getting along with Candice in jury is one thing; but righting your wrongs? That’s something different.

The first thing Aaryn did was apologize for blaming her racist remarks on Texas, but then she seemed to blame her age in part for it. The worst moment of the interview was that she said that she was just doing an impersonation of Candice during the bed fight, and was not being racist during all of that. The only thing that we will say is that GinaMarie was just as much if not more offensive in that moment, and she got off without any bumps or bruises at all.

Now, we turn to the scary part of this: Aaryn says that she would actually play again … or at least she says that now. We don’t think this will happen in a million years. While CBS has brought back offensive people before (heck, they hired Jeff for this after Dumbledore-gate), Aaryn wasn’t a character. There would be no headlines if it wasn’t for her racism. Amanda is someone who is much more likely to return for a future season, if they want to act like this season happened at all.

The only way we envision Aaryn changing is maybe after the fact, when she can really sit back and look at the show. Even then, though, she will have her PR team / family feeding her information about how CBS made her out to be the only villain, and that may halt the learning process.

If you want to check out some other interviews from the “Big Brother” finale, our advice is to visit the link here.

Photo: CBS

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