NCIS season 22 episode 11: The Torres, Knight ‘wedding’

We knew entering NCIS season 22 episode 11 that there was going to be some sort of fake wedding at the center of the story. We just had to learn more about the bride and groom!
Given that the events of the episode revolved largely around Nick Torres, we figured that he was going to be involved in the “ceremony” in some way. We just had to wait to find out about the bride, and it turned out to be none other than Jessica Knight!
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We will say here that in general, the awkward comedy that we got to see over the course of this episode was pretty next-level, mostly due to the fact that Torres is dating Knight’s sister Robin, who turned up on-screen this week and actually helped to plan the fake wedding for the two. Within that, Knight got to actually see the two together and realized further that they may be able to make it work despite all of her various reservations. This was allowing Robin to stand more on her own two feet and not try to be overprotective of her at every turn. Nick is a great guy!
While none of what we saw in episode 11 necessarily guarantees that Nick and Robin are going to be together forever, at the very least they are going to do their best in order to make it work.
As for other romances…
We’re sure that there were some out there hoping for some Knight / Palmer crumbs in here, but we didn’t really have a chance to see much of them. The two did share a nice scene that at least showed that they are in a good place — we may just have to wait for any updates beyond that.
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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.