Found season 2 episode 11: Did Gabi, Sir get arrested?

With the way in which Found season 2 episode 11 was promoted, it seemed as though the world around Gabi and Sir would change. Yet, we did not expect just how crazy and/or shocking it would ultimately be.
We suppose here that the top story is noting that thanks in part to some elaborate trap, the conclusion of this episode saw Shanola Hampton’s character manage to finally take down her longtime adversary. He begged for her not to turn him in, but it did not matter: The last sight we had of Sir within this episode was him in an interrogation room.
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Now that we’ve said that, here is where things do get at least a little more shocking. Gabi noted that once she was able to protect her M&A family, she would also turn herself in … and it appeared as though this is precisely what was going to happen here. She recognized her own responsibility for certain actions of the past, and she is ready for the next steps.
Now that we’ve said all of this…
Is the story for Found moving forward really about to move in some sort of super-straight line? Or, is this show really going to work with its major characters locked away? We hard think that Sir is suddenly about to be gone from the show, and nor do we think that Gabi is suddenly going to stop some of her work. It may take an episode or two for the writers to fully transition into what the next phase of the story is going to look like, but we should get there before too long. If you want to compare the series to another NBC show in The Blacklist, it did manage to shift and change a great deal over the course of its entire run.
Related – See more news now on when Found will return
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