Deal or No Deal Island season 2 episode 4: Storm blindsided

We’ll admit that within the first half of Deal or No Deal Island season 2 episode 4, we saw something we never expected. Dr. Will Kirby actually won a challenge! If you watched him on Big Brother, you know that this is not exactly his thing.
Of course, we will say that after the challenge, some of these contestants had to regret the decisions that they made — especially since they gave someone like Will all the power heading into Temple.
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However, here is the funny thing: For all of Will’s bluster as an agent of chaos, he actually was straightforward with what he wanted to do. CK was his target, largely due to the fact that she couldn’t stop talking about wanting him gone. With that, he chose Dickson to play since 1) he wanted to and 2) he claimed that he also wanted CK out. Nobody was that mad about this, especially David a.k.a. the real biggest threat in the game since Parvati is the only person who knows who he is.
Dickson did a great job actually playing Deal or No Deal, as the final two cases were in play until the very end. However, the humor here is that it actually doesn’t matter for his longevity in the game. Sure, he did a great job giving everyone on the show a chance to win a lot of money, but he still could’ve gone home! Luckily, that didn’t happen and he actually banked $5 million in the game.
Who did Dickson eliminate?
Well, he did opt to go against what he claimed to Dr. Will — he got rid of Storm! His reasoning was that he would never beat him in a challenge, and he needed to pick off people like that. Of course, he’s now made an enemy in Will … we’ll just have to see where that goes.
Related – Be sure to get some more news entering the next Deal or No Deal Island episode
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