NCIS season 22 episode 10: More of the Lily mystery?

After a long holiday hiatus you are going to be seeing NCIS season 22 episode 10 arrive on CBS, and it is an Alden Parker spotlight!
With this being said, does this mean that we’re going to get answers on a mystery in Lily? The last time that Gary Cole was front and center for a story, we saw him struggling with visions of the young girl. Yet, he was also seemingly advised in a way to keep the information to himself. Not a lot of people truly know what is going on with him, and this may not be something the writers want to give away at present.
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With that in mind, let’s just talk now about where Parker stands now in episode 10. Speaking to TV Insider, Rocky Carroll (who directed this episode) indicated that his character Vance is probably not going to be central to this storyline at all:
What seems to be happening right now is that, because these images and the visions that Parker’s seeing of this little girl, Lily, all happened when he and Knight [Katrina Law] were sort of in peril, in their life and death scenario, he seems to be confiding more in Knight than he is Vance about it right now. Because Knight is the one who’s saying to him, “You’ve been different since we went through that. What’s going on with you?” She’s a little more tuned into it. Kind of the same way Vance was able to talk to Parker about Lena, which I think was this great scene where Vance goes to his apartment and says, “I don’t really know what I want,” I’m hoping that we get to a point where, as this thing manifests itself, that Parker will be able to come to Vance and say, “This is something in my history. There are things that — I need clarity, I need some answers, I need closure or whatever.” But right now, I think Knight is the one who is the one who’s much more dialed in than anybody else on the team that there’s something going on, that something’s amiss with Parker.
Ultimately, the odds of a major Lily reveal right now in episode 10 are low. The focus seems to be instead on one of Alden’s favorite bakers, someone who ends up being caught up in the case. Could this baker be a love interest for him? That’s possible, but we will have to wait and see.
As for Lily, we just hope we get more clarity by the finale.
Related – Be sure to get some more sneak peeks entering this NCIS episode
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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.