1923 season 2 spoilers: More on the royal connection

In just over a month, the 1923 season 2 premiere is officially going to arrive on Paramount+ — so what all is going to transpire?
Well, we know already that one of the major stories coming up is going to be seeing Spencer and Alexandra fight to reunite, and to do so in Montana. Doing so is easier said than done, whether it be due to the danger but also a myriad of different roadblocks thrown in front of them.
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In the midst of everything that happened at the end of last season, it could actually be easy to forget the reveal that Alex is of royal blood! She is the Countess of Sussex, who was actually a real person once upon a time. (With that being said, nothing you are seeing on this show with her is historically accurate.)
Speaking to TVLine, Julia Schlaepfer (who is actually American, despite what you may think watching the show) had the following to say about her character’s heritage, and how it plays into the story that is being told:
“It’s funny. When I began that journey, filming Season 1 with Brandon [Sklenar, who plays Spencer] in Africa, and you’re telling this grand love story, I kind of forgot I was an actor … And I think Alexandra forgets [about being royalty] because she doesn’t want that title. She doesn’t want to be a caged bird.
“She’s been very oppressed by this family, who won’t let her decide what she wants to do with her life or who she’s allowed to love. And as soon as she meets Spencer and finds a way out, she’s gone, and she leaves it behind.”
Of course, does this mean that the rest of her family is going to agree with this decision? Hardly, and it could be one of the major sources of tension coming up.
Related – Did you see the epic 1923 season 2 trailer that was released yesterday?
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