What We Do in the Shadows series finale: See alternate ‘ending’

Just in case you wanted a little bit of something more following the What We Do in the Shadows series finale last night, we got you.
Or, to be more specific, Hulu has you covered with an alternate “ending” to Nadja’s hypnosis that happened during the final send-off. She claimed that she was doing this in order to ensure that viewers got what she thought would be the desired end to the documentary. On the East Coast broadcast, we saw what was an homage to The Usual Suspects. Now, why not transfer this over to Rosemary’s Baby?
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If you head over to the show’s page on the aforementioned streaming service, you can see that ending that features Nadja, plus a number of other familiar faces, and yet another unusual light. It’s totally weird and we tend to think that everyone involved had a total blast doing this.
Since all of these scenes are really just hypnosis from Nadja, it doesn’t really matter which one is “canon” and which one isn’t — all of this is a bit of fun. In the end, the most important part of the finale to us is Nandor and Guillermo getting to go off into the sunset together — or, to be more specific, descend from a coffin elevator into the depths of Staten Island, where the two can suit up and then go off to fight crime. It is such a silly conclusion but at the same time, it is a great reminder that there has been some subtle evolution here over the years. Nandor now treats his former familiar like a true equal, and we do tend to believe that there is a great deal of value that goes along with that.
Related – See more thoughts on the What We Do in the Shadows finale now
Which one of the What We Do in the Shadows alternate endings was your favorite in the end?
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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.