Saturday Night Live: Chris Rock casts himself on The Simpsons

The last thing that we expected on tonight’s Saturday Night Live episode was a sketch involving Chris Rock and The Simpsons. After all, the animated comedy is owned by a different parent company, for starters — we have no idea how all this came together.
Yet, it may be one of the more original ideas that SNL has come up with this year, and it was based on a simple premise. After being given a gift showing himself as a Springfield resident, Rock’s character started to envision himself in an episode, basically coming up with fanfiction on the fly. Things got weird; also, they got absurd when it comes to his disdain for Homer and his desire to hook up with Marge.
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We wonder if one of the appeals of doing this sketch was simply for some cast members to show off some impressions. Of course, we also do think that there is a meta-commentary buried in here about how many different episodes of The Simpsons are overrun with guest stars. It is one of the reasons why there is a legion of people out there who feel like the show packed a few decades ago, back before some of its viewers were even still alive.
Now that we’ve said all of this, let’s go ahead and get our worse fear out of the way now: That SNL is going to dive back to the well time and time again with this and some other cast members. You could theoretically do this a million times, but honestly, it’s better as a one-time thing. It may also be one of the biggest headline-grabbing moments for the animated comedy all year.
Related – Be sure to get some more news on Saturday Night Live now, including the cold open
What did you think about this Chris Rock – Saturday Night Live sketch, and the tie-in to The Simpsons?
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