Outlander season 7 episode 11 spoilers: A Claire, Lord John story

As we get ourselves prepared to see Outlander season 7 episode 11 on Starz in one week’s time, what will be the primary story?
Well, if you are someone knows the books inside and out, then it may be clear to some of you out there what could be coming. For everyone else, though, there may still be a certain amount of mystery! Let’s just say that a complicated story is ahead for Claire as she comes to grips with some information that could send a dagger into her heart — metaphorically, at least.
The title for Outlander season 7 episode 11 is “A Hundredweight of Stones.” Meanwhile, the synopsis below serves as a great way to set the stage:
Claire turns to John Grey for comfort as they process difficult news. Ian and Rachel discuss their love and their future. Brianna confronts an intruder at Lallybroch.
This episode is going to be emotional, but we’d be quick to remind you to also not draw too many assumptions based solely on what is happening here in the present. There are still a number of different twists and turns to come this season, and that can also be said across multiple timelines. We have said this already but really, this season is going to be bigger in size and scope than almost any other. Given that there is only so much time until the series as a whole is over, it is another thing that you do have to keep in mind.
For those who are hoping for something a little more uplifting, could we have that between Ian and Rachel? For the time being, we’re going to at least consider this story a partial beacon of hope — at least for now. We’ll have to wait and see just what happens.
Related – Get some more news now related to Outlander, including more discussion about the upcoming season 8
What do you most want to see moving into Outlander season 7 episode 11 when it arrives on Starz?
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