Blue Bloods series finale preview: About Danny’s appearance…

While there are not too many firm details out there as of yet regarding the Blue Bloods series finale, there is certainly speculation. Take, for starters, why in the world Donnie Wahlberg was sporting Danny’s dress blues in some behind-the-scenes teases for the final episode.
After all, it is not common to see Danny in this particular uniform; sure, he has a badge as a detective, but he typically sports a suit and tie. Rest assured, though, that there is a reason for it — even if you do have to wait a little while to see what this is.
Speaking to TVLine, showrunner Kevin Wade offered up a small tease for the finale — noting that Danny is far from the only character sporting their formal dress blues:
“I can only say they’re only in dress blues for certain kinds of ceremonies. And I’ll leave it at that … There is a rather large set piece towards the end of the final episode where they are all in their dress blues.”
Whatever that is remains to be seen, but the only thing that feels clear is that Frank is not retiring. That’s something that has been said in a number of interviews leading up to the rest of season 14. As for what we’re the most worried about, we are almost afraid to say in fear of it being correct. We would just advise you to think about what we’ve seen over the past couple of episodes, especially at family dinner. There is always a chance that a little bit of foreshadowing was baked into at least one of those … but that’s just a guess.
For now, remember that there are at least six more episodes of Blue Bloods to go before we say goodbye to the series. That is not something that we are still altogether excited to do, but who knows? There is still a chance at a spin-off.
Related – Learn more about Friday’s all-new episode of Blue Bloods right now
What big event do you think we are going to see entering the Blue Bloods series finale?
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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.