Outlander season 7 episode 9: Sam Heughan on Scotland story

Is anyone else thrilled that Outlander season 7 part 2 is finally coming to Starz next month? It has been an extremely long wait — or even an unnecessarily long wait in the eyes of some people out there. Why did Starz keep it from us for so long? We wish there was a better answer to that.
Regardless, the biggest thing we can say here is that moving into the next chapter of the story, nostalgia will be at least one selling point as you are going to be seeing Jamie and Claire Fraser find their way back to Scotland. While there, you are going to be seeing a lot of familiar faces. This is nice and lively and yet, we also know that this is not the sort of show that is going to move people around the world for the sake of doing so. There is major substance and story ahead; anyone out there who has read the books is more than aware of this.
Speaking slightly on the subject of what’s ahead to Entertainment Weekly, here is more of what Sam Heughan had to say on that subject:
“We’re back in Scotland, and Scotland has always been a huge part of the show directly or indirectly … Scotland is Jamie’s ancestral home. We’ll see a lot of characters that are very dear to Jamie and to the viewers. Jamie is here to put things to rest and to deal with past relationships and deal with people that mean something to him.”
We know that Jamie’s sister Jenny is one of the people we are most excited to see again — while there is a new performer taking on the role, we do think a lot of the essence of the character is still going to be there. Eventually, though, the setting is going to shift back to the New World and the Revolutionary War. After all, that is how much of the season was promoted in the first place.
Related – Be sure to get some more news on Outlander right now, including other chatter on what’s to come
What do you most want to see moving into Outlander season 7 episode 9?
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