Power Book II: Ghost season 4 episode 8 promo: Revenge is near

Next week on Power Book II: Ghost season 4 episode 8, it definitely feels like one thing is apparent: Fighting back is the only option.
In particular, we’re talking about taking out Detective Carter, a move that may actually end up uniting a ton of people given all that he’s done. As the promo for the episode noted, taking out a guy in his position is not going to be easy, but this may be one of those situations where the plan is as important as the execution.
Also, we should note that at this point, almost every major character has had their own Breaking Bad sort of moment — Diana certainly had hers when it comes to losing the baby. She is going to stop at nothing at this point to get vengeance. A lot of people will now.
Of course, this is where we drop in with the chilling reminder that there are only three episodes left on Power Book II: Ghost and a lot has to happen within this time. There are almost certainly going to be more deaths ahead. Meanwhile, there is a chance that a few new questions could be raised about the future of those who survive. Noma to us feels like one of the most likely to go soon — but also Carter. How can he not be high on the list now? This doesn’t feel like one of those adversaries meant to stick around forever.
At least within these final episodes, we can argue that the show has all the momentum it could have ever wanted and this some. This is honestly where we hoped the series would be approaching the endgame now, where a lot of cards are on the table and everyone has little to lose.
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