Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: Who won HoH, week 8?

Big Brother 26
Photo: CBS

Who is the new Head of Household on Big Brother 26 this week? We do think that we’re set at the moment for more chaos!

First and foremost, we should note that one person probably needs this more than anyone else: Leah. She’s never been on the block, but her decision to use the Veto led to her own ally leaving the game. She and Quinn both made a decision that is going to come back to bite them. Quinn was just in power, so there is not anything he can really do for himself now — unless Leah wins, he’s in big trouble.

There was no Head of Household Competition on the show tonight but with the AI Arena twist over, there is a chance that this could change moving forward. Given all the videos that the houseguests saw and listened to in the past 24 hours, there’s a chance this is a memory competition based largely on those. (Of course, it’d be funny if those were actually saved for the Veto later on. That could also end up being Otev.)

Well, as it turns out here, the HoH Competition was about all of the videos — and Chelsie ended up winning it! This is her second time in power for the week, and we are pretty darn interested in seeing what she is going to do at this point. Given that she just went against Quinn’s wishes, do you go ahead and nominate him and Leah? Or, do you just repeat what just happened and put Kimo and Rubina on the block? If she does that, we do think there’s a real risk that you alienate T’kor.

We’re honestly not sure that this is an HoH that Chelsie needed to win at this point — it may be good for her resume, but she is good with almost everyone in the house.

Related Be sure to get some more news on Big Brother 26 right now, including what else is ahead

Who did you want to see win Head of Household on Big Brother 26 tonight?

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