Only Murders in the Building season 4 episode 2: Amy Ryan returns

We knew that Only Murders in the Building season 4 would have some surprises appearances — so who predicted Jan? Amy Ryan turned up during episode 2, but not exactly in the way in which anyone would expect.
After all, not only did her character break out of prison, but we also saw her back in Charles’ apartment. So did she try to kill him again? Not exactly…
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If there is a big surprise that came with getting to see Jan back on the show, it came via her motives. She mostly broke out of prison because she was worried about Sazz, who she had a romantic relationship with. She knew that Sazz wouldn’t want her to hurt Charles, so she opted to not harm him. Instead, she actually helped Charles to come to grips more with where he was and what happened — and also, the idea that he could have been the intended target of the shooting. After all, there’s still a lot of evidence around that at the moment.
So is there a chance that we’re going to be seeing Ryan again this season? Well, for the time being, we’re not going to rule that out. Jan is still presumably out there and the police haven’t caught her, so who knows what other problems she could cause? We do not necessarily think that we’re going to be seeing her again this season unless there is a really good reason for it — could she worm her way into the movie somehow?
Given that season 4 has already given us a surprise via Scott Bakula and now Ryan, who knows what else the producers have cooked up the rest of the way?
Related – Be sure to see more thoughts on Only Murders in the Building season 4 episode 3
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