Big Brother 26: Was Tucker, Angela, or Makensy evicted, week 6?

Big Brother 26
Photo: CBS

Tonight’s Big Brother 26 live show was arguably the most-hyped one of the season, thanks mostly to the AI Arena. No matter who won, the potential was set for an eviction that could alter the rest of the season.

Let’s frame it in the following way: If Makensy or Angela won, you would have the epic blindside of Tucker from the game … but would it really be a blindside if he sees it coming? While he does not know every machination of the plan, he realizes that he could be voted out at just about any moment he is vulnerable. If Tucker wins, it means that Makensy goes and depending on what happens with the next HoH Competition, the whole plan to blindside him could get exposed and things could become very much messy. Either way, this could be a fun night!

Now that we’ve said all of this, we 100% think that production’s best-case scenario is that Makensy leaves tonight. No offense to her, but she’s just the least compelling of the three nominees. Both Tucker and Angela, regardless of what you think about them, are fantastic reality TV personalities who bring a lot to the show.

The AI Arena – Not only did Makensy win, but it wasn’t even close! She dominated this and for whatever reason, it just felt like Tucker was going slow and had no real sense of urgency. Good on Makensy and now, we await the possible and/or likely Tucker eviction.

The eviction – It was 5-3, but Tucker was sent out of the game. He had the support of Joseph, Kimo, and Quinn, but that was it. T’kor did not have the opportunity to break the tie and with that, we find ourselves within a particularly crazy spot in the game moving forward.

Related See some more Big Brother 26 updates from earlier in the day

Who did you want to see evicted on tonight’s Big Brother 26 episode?

Are you shocked Tucker is gone? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Once you do just that, remember to come back — there are some more updates ahead.

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