Monsieur Spade season 2 renewal: An August 2024 update

Is there any chance at all that news on a Monsieur Spade season 2 renewal will surface between now and the end of August? It would likely surprise no one to know that we would love it … but will we actually get it? That’s where things do get a bit more complicated.
For now, the state of the Clive Owen series is precisely where it has been over the past several months — to be specific, nothing has been decided about the future as of late. Of course, it would be great if more comes out, but that is 100% up to the powers-that-be at AMC along with executive producers Tom Fontana and Scott Frank. Very little has been said ever since the finale earlier this year.
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Is there a reason for hope? Well, it really comes down to whether more and more viewers discover the show, as well as whether AMC seems more potential here. The first season left the door open for more, and our hope is that with several series on the network heading over to Netflix soon (including Monsieur Spade), there is a chance to build up more exposure. Absolutely we think that a show like this in particular will work on this platform! It could help to get the show to a potential finish line — but even if it performs well, there will still need to be a story.
So, for now, nothing has been decided … but there is a reason to think that by this fall, there could be a little more chatter regarding the future of Sam Spade. Let’s cross our fingers and hope for the best!
Do you think we are going to hear about a Monsieur Spade season 2 renewal between now and the end of August?
Go ahead and let us know right away in the comments! Once you do just that, remember to come back — there are a lot of other updates on the way.
This article was written by Jessica BunBun.