Doctor Who season 15: Who is Belinda Chandra?

Do we now know another important crumb of information pertaining to Doctor Who season 15? It sure feels that way!
After all, at least one long-held mystery has now been seemingly confirmed: Who we are going see Varada Sethu end up playing across the future of the series. This weekend at San Diego Comic-Con it was finally confirmed that her character’s name will be Belinda Chandra — there is not too much more that has been said here as of yet, but it feels like we’ll get more of a proper introduction shortly after the upcoming Christmas Special.
One thing that was confirmed a little while back is that we are not going to be seeing Sethu play Mundy Flynn, who was the same character we saw during the season 14 episode “Boom.” As a matter of fact, showrunner Russell T. Davies did not even know he would be bringing her back until being blown away by her performance there! This was a gig that is very-much organic, and we tend to think that there could at least some sort of reason why Belinda and Mundy look similar. It could just be a fun little Easter egg — or, at the very least, that is what we are hoping for at this particular point.
In general, it is our sentiment that the new season of Doctor Who will balance out this new companion and then also Ruby Sunday, played by Millie Gibson. There has been a lot of confusion out there regarding just how many episodes she is going to play; yet, at the same time, we at least have an assurance that she will be back. Not only that, but there are more stories to tell when it comes to her family.
What are you the most excited to see when it comes to Belinda Chandra on Doctor Who season 15?
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