America’s Got Talent season 19: When do live shows begin?

Are you ready for the America’s Got Talent live shows to officially arrive for season 19? Well, we’ve got some bad news … though you are probably aware of this already!
After all, it does appear as though we’re going to be waiting for a reasonably long time for a simple reason: The Olympics. This has slowed down the process of getting the games before, so we really should not be super-shocked that we are here at this point again.
Per NBC, the plan right now is to bring the America’s Got Talent live shows back starting on Tuesday, August 13, and we hope that there will be a chance to really spotlight everyone taking part in some greater way leading up to that. Not every person to get the required number of “yes” votes at the audition will be there for the lives; the only people confirmed for now are the ones who received the Golden Buzzers.
If there is one thing that probably does make season 19 great at the moment, it’s that we are not quite sure one person can be considered the overwhelming favorite right now to be the winner. Sure, we understand that some may point to singing janitor Richard Goodall, especially since his performance has over 20 million views on YouTube alone. However, it is worth noting that even Susan Boyle did not win the first season that she was on, and views online do not necessarily equal the votes that come in after the live shows. In general, singers and magic acts probably do have the biggest advantage, at least when you look at the show’s voting history … but anything could still transpire.
What do you most want to see moving into the live shows for America’s Got Talent season 19?
Who are you rooting for? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Once you do that, keep coming back — there are going to be so many more updates between now and the show’s return.