Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: Week 2 Veto players

If there is one thing that we can say about the Power of Veto Competition today in Big Brother 26, it is simply this: The producers aren’t messing around! Veto players were chosen pretty darn early and by virtue of that, we do have a good sense now as to what could be coming as we move forward.
If you missed it, last night Head of Household Chelsie nominated Lisa, Kenney, and Angela for eviction. Lisa is the actual target, which is a super-safe move that Chelsie can make that will not lead to her getting any further blood on her hands — something that we know is a priority for her at this point in the game. Why would she want to paint a bigger target on herself if she doesn’t have to? She is 100% actively thinking about this already, and it’s important to remember that she didn’t really want to be HoH this week in the first place.
Joining these four in the competition today are Joseph and Brooklyn, and we’re not sure either has a huge incentive to win this unless they want to stop Lisa from winning. Neither one of them are on anyone’s radar and are arguably playing some of the most consistent games so far this season.
The only variable we think it’s important to monitor post-Veto is what is going to happen when it comes to Leah and Cam in the days ahead. Leah is already being clocked as a dangerous player, and there’s also a fear on Chelsie’s part that Cam is going to become a puppet for her. She’s also got a lot of sway now over Quinn as well. Neither one of these pairs is a full-on showmance, but there is certainly a lot of flirting. We’re just not sure that Chelsie wants to do anything to alienate some other people in the house so early if she doesn’t have to. If Lisa goes this week, is anyone going to be mad?
Now, we should reiterate that Kenney is the ideal person to leave from an entertainment standpoint, as the guy brings nothing to the game and acts like he doesn’t even want to be there half of the time.
What are you expecting to see moving into the Big Brother 26 Veto Competition today?
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