The Gilded Age season 3 spoilers: What story is being expanded?

If you did not know for whatever reason, The Gilded Age season 3 is actively in production! This means that (most likely in 2025) you are going to have a chance to see more of your favorite characters in action for a season that will be eventful, messy, and also further explore some key inflection points within the Industrial Revolution.
What is perhaps the most interesting to us is that the show does continue to evolve and find new focuses over time — this happened to some extent in season 2 with the epic role-reversal with Agnes and Ada, and will continue to be a key part of season 3, as well.
Speaking to Deadline about one storyline in particular that will have an increased focus coming up, here is what director Salli Richardson-Whitfield had to say:
“What I can tell you is that we are definitely going to be embracing the Black elite storyline a lot more … I was telling HBO what a fan favorite that storyline is; I get stopped on the street all the time by groups of Black women who say, ‘We love this show so much.’ So they’re expanding on that storyline more and, and Bertha, played by the fantastic Carrie Coon, continues to get in a lot of trouble.”
Is some of Bertha’s story going to continue to revolve around various problems at the opera? Let’s just say it would be rather funny if this did continue to be the case somehow. Is there ever a point in which that is going to stop? Maybe if it becomes no longer important to her on a social level, and that is really the focus of the show. This is all about how characters configure their wealth and then use it to showcase a sense of status. This can come in such a wide array of forms, as well, and that is why no group of families within the world of The Gilded Age are fundamentally the same.
What do you most want to see when it comes to The Gilded Age season 3 at this point?
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