When Calls the Heart season 12: Preparing for filming?

Is July looing to be a great month for all When Calls the Heart fans? It certainly feels that way! We know that Erin Krakow has already made her annual trip up to Vancouver to prepare for the season, and it seems like there’s some other great stuff happening leading up to season 12.
If you head over to the Instagram Stories for the actress now, you get a tiny morsel of evidence that some costume fittings / final prep is going on leading into the start of filming. A good percentage of the rest of the year should be spent getting some assorted super-vague teasers for what lies ahead! Season 12 is an opportunity to evolve Elizabeth and many other characters, especially when you consider the fact that she and Nathan are now together and they can have a chance to really look ahead.
Are there still some struggles that the two will have to deal with? Absolutely. That is inevitable, just as it is for almost anyone in life. There are always going to be peaks and valleys, and it would be silly to think that the world of When Calls the Heart would be any exception to that. The main focal point of drama for Elizabeth in the near future may be whatever secret about Jack’s past is coming her way, but we honestly do not think that it is something altogether sinister. Why would it be?
As for what else could be coming this season, the primary hope is just that there is an opportunity to learn more about what’s happening in regards to Lucas now that he’s conquered at least some hurdles as Governor. This character offers a chance to explore some ideas that the Hallmark drama has not been able to in advance — why not go ahead and explore that?
What are you hoping to see for Elizabeth moving into When Calls the Heart season 12?
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