Evil season 4 episode 8: About Timothy’s baptism…

We knew entering Evil season 4 episode 8 that there was going to be a chance to see Timothy get baptized — so, did it really happen?
Well, the simple answer here was yes, but doing this was not exactly an easy thing to pull off. Sheryl had to pull off an incredibly complicated scheme to make this happen using the surrogate and also the church. At first, she wanted David to be there to help pull it off, but that didn’t happen. It really took the help of Sister Andrea to even get in the door during bad weather, plus also noting who the child really was.
Ultimately, Sheryl realized in this episode that she had a limited amount of time to get the baptism done … but then there is the question of whether or not it really stuck. This is one of the fundamental questions at the heart of this show, and you also may have to think about this in terms of motivation. Did Sheryl really do this because she believes in Timothy’s salvation, or to just get back at Leland? Given that she left him the certificate and a photo of the baptism, you can make your own argument here.
If all of this was not messy enough, Leland tried to counteract all of this at the end of the episode with his own ritual involving Timothy, one that was certainly demonic and then some! It served as another reminder that the baby’s future may not be so safe and secure, but you can argue that no matter what we saw tonight! We do tend to think that this episode, in the end, was a prime example of the whole nature versus nurture debate … but it was also delightfully crazy and entertaining to watch at the same time.
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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.