Criminal Minds: Evolution season 3: Early Spencer Reid hopes

Is there actually a chance that Matthew Gray Gubler could return as Spencer Reid moving into Criminal Minds: Evolution season 3?
The first thing that we should clearly state here is rather simple: The fan demand is always going to be there for a Matthew Gray Gubler return. It could be for one episode, a few, or an entire season — no matter what, the demand is going to be there. His return is probably the thing on the most-wanted list for a lot of different cast members.
Here’s the good news: While nothing has been confirmed when it comes to a Gubler return on season 3, it is still very much possible. What’s the reason for that? Well, it’s rather simple: Once upon a time, it actually seemed like it was going to happen this season! That is something that showrunner Erica Messer has discussed on multiple occasions, and it seems like the main reason it did not transpire is due to the strikes delaying the start of production; at that point, Gubler had other things happening.
For right now, it really seems like a return for Matthew comes down to his schedule and that of the show being aligned at the right time. If everyone knows about shooting dates far in advance, it certainly feels more possible. Luckily, Paramount+ has already confirmed that a Criminal Minds: Evolution season 3 is coming, so that is not something that you have to worry about here at all. Instead, you can just simply concern yourself with when it is actually coming back on the air, and we’ll wait and see if or when that casting news actually comes to light. For now, there are plenty of reasons to have hope for it.
Related – Learn more coming into the next Criminal Minds: Evolution episode
Do you want to see Matthew Gray Gubler back as Spencer Reid on Criminal Minds: Evolution season 3?
If so, how do you think it will happen? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Once you do just that, remember to keep coming back for some other updates.
This article was written by Jessica BunBun.