House of the Dragon season 2 episode 2: Otto Hightower ‘resigns’

We knew entering House of the Dragon season 2 episode 2 that there was potential for a ton of emotional stuff. Yet, the battles have yet to begin.
Instead, much of episode 2 was largely about the emotional fallout to what transpired with Blood and Cheese. Aegon was enraged, and of course wanted nothing more than destroy Rhaenyra for good — even if we know she had nothing to do with it. Meanwhile, he has also dismissed his Hand of the King in Otto Hightower, despite him being his own grandfather.
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So why make this move? There are a few different reasons for it, with the biggest one being something that was first thrown into the equation back in the premiere. Speaking to The Wrap, here is what showrunner Ryan Condal had to say:
“We know from the first episode, and probably other events that have happened off-screen, that Larys has incepted Aegon to start looking at Otto Hightower as his father’s hand … In Larys’ mind — who’s always trying to get closer and closer to the nexus of power — [he’s] hopefully getting Aegon to realize that there is a ceiling over his head and it’s made with the old people that his father’s generation put into power.”
In Otto’s place, Aegon has already named Ser Criston Cole the new Hand, despite the fact that he has very little experience in diplomacy. Also, technically Cole had abandoned his post to be with Alicent the night Jaehaerys was murdered … not that Aegon knows this. Cole’s first scheme before even his promotion has backfired, as Arryk was sent to murder Rhaenyra. This leads instead to the brother with his twin, and both of them end up dying before the hour’s end.
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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.