Big Brother 26 promo: Julie Chen Moonves, Zingbot team up?

CBS has revealed another new promo leading up to the Big Brother 26 premiere next month — so, what do we learn from it?
Well, if nothing else, that the show is leaning perhaps more into a franchise staple than ever before in Zingbot. If you head over to the link here, you can see the famous ‘bot try to “encourage” Julie to have more zeal as she reads out some of her lines. There’s nothing altogether shocking about this, but clearly the network is trying something new since they don’t have a cast that they are ready to announce just yet. We imagine that coming out on July 15-16, leading up to the premiere on July 17.
If you were not aware, the key art above is also new, and we do wonder if there is a clue or two as to the season’s theme in here — after all, there certainly was last season! It feels like we are going to be getting something that is tech-themed to some degree, judging from the colorful “wires” on the floor and what may be a simulated background. We’ve heard theories aplenty that it could be AI-inspired … but aren’t we dealing with the carnage of that in real life already?
In circling back to the promo now, could Zingbot’s increased presence be a further tease of artificial intelligence? Maybe, but we also tend to think that the robot won’t be a super-huge part of the season beyond what we typically be. While the zings are an integral part of the series now and have been since season 12, it’s also better in small doses than all of the time. You gotta get to know some of the players well before you implement them into the show!
Hopefully, before the premiere we’ll get to learn a few new things, as well, including the total length of the season.
Related – Is there some sort of game-changing twist coming to Big Brother 26?
What are you the most excited to see moving into Big Brother 26?
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