The Boys season 4 episode 4: Does Sage have a secret?

As we prepare to see The Boys season 4 episode 4 on Prime Video, is this the perfect time for a Sage conversation? From our vantage point, it certainly feels that way!
After all, consider the following — for someone who is the smartest person alive, why in the world would she want to follow the whims of Homelander? Sure, he brought her on and made her a member of the Seven, but that was not something that she necessarily wanted. She seems to find it better when she can operate from the shadows, and it is not all that hard to understand why, all things considered.
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Through most of Sage’s life, she has grown accustomed to having to be under the radar. Despite her intellect, people have not listened to her — and we tend to think that on some level, she knows that Homelander could eventually be lumped into this group, as well. It is a part of why we would not be shocked if she has another trick up her sleeve.
Whether it be in episode 4 or at some point soon after, don’t be shocked if it turns out that Homelander is just a pawn to a larger plan for her. Could that mean more Supe equality, or finding a way to defeat him herself? We wouldn’t rule those things out. After all, the smartest person alive has to know that Homelander is an emotional wrecking ball that could eventually destroy her the second she says something he does not like. He is far too combustible to be an ally long-term, but short-term? That’s all we seem to be looking at right now, and we are eager to see where things go.
What do you think could be Sage’s endgame on The Boys season 4 moving forward?
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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.