The Boys season 4: Watch the full Vought on Ice performance

We’ve obviously known for a long time now that The Boys loves to go over-the-top with some of the stories, and 100%, they’ve done it again.
Now, what does the latest bit of insanity look like? Let’s just say that it involves Vought on Ice, which we saw be the site of yet another bloody massacre. You saw a little bit of the Christmas-themed performance on episode 3, but the series has now uploaded the full version in all of its glory.
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If you head over to the link here, you can see the full performance in question, but we hope that at the same time, you are ready to give it as many different eyerolls as humanly possible. It is so hilariously uncomfortable and beyond just that, of course this is the sort of thing that Vought would put out to try and “entertain” the masses with a message they deem important.
Unfortunately for the performers of Vought on Ice, we don’t exactly think that they are going to be able to deliver something like this again — after all, the figure-skater version of Queen Maeve got lasered in half near the end of episode 3, leading to mass chaos and, of course, a handful of other deaths. It really seems like one of the worst jobs to have at this point is being a part of some sort of Vought production. Nine times out of ten, it does not end up ending well for you.
Remember that the next episode of The Boys arrives on Prime Video next Thursday, and we tend to think plenty of other innocent people are going to be harmed. Isn’t that the general M.O. of this show?
Related – Get more news on The Boys right now, including what went into casting Splinter
What do you think about this performance of Vought on Ice from The Boys?
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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.