Mayor of Kingstown season 3 episode 2 spoilers: Mike’s warning

Mayor of Kingstown season 3
Photo: Paramount+

In just over 24 hours you are going to have a chance to see Mayor of Kingstown season 3 episode 2 arrive on Paramount+. With that in mind, what is it that you can prepare for?

Well, at the center of the story is rather simple: Conflict. In particular, the conflict that we’re talking about here is between Mike and Bunny, as Jeremy Renner’s character suggests that something may be wrong with the latter’s latest product. He basically smells something fishy going on with one of his mules and issues a warning that while simple, is also pretty darn effective at the same time: “Be smart.” What more needs to be said beyond this?

If you head over to Collider, you can see a full sneak preview for what lies ahead that is all about this warning. Is Mike being paranoid? At times, you can make the argument that this is the case. However, he’s also someone who has developed SO many reasons to be concerned over the course of time. He’s been almost killed more times than we can count, and that is without even mentioning all the times that he has lost someone close to him! If anyone has full license to be worried, it’s him.

Beyond everything within this episode, be prepared to also see a really compelling story that includes more with the show’s new Big Bad in Konstantin. This is clearly someone who means business, and also could be tied into everything that already happened with Milo. Even though Renner was still recovering from his near-fatal accident over a year ago at the time in which the show was being filmed, he did his best to not let it slow him down — this is as action-packed and intense a story for him that we have seen over the years.

Related Be sure to get some more news on Mayor of Kingstown right now, including what else could be coming

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