Criminal Minds: Evolution: What did Voit whisper to Luke Alvez?

The two-episode premiere of Criminal Minds: Evolution season 2 has come and gone and with that, there is a new mystery. What in the world did Elias Voit whisper to Luke Alvez?
Well, this is the sort of mystery that could drive us insane, and it didn’t even matter how much we tried to stop and listen to the moment again and again. The one thing that does feel clear is that no matter what was whispered, it was enough to send Luke over the edge — which may very well be his goal.
So what is the Big Bad’s primary goal at the moment? He is serving as an asset-of-sorts to the FBI in order to locate Gold Star, and in doing this, he also clearly wants to ensure that there is a way to get some sort of reduced sentence. Beyond that, though, this is also a guy who wants to get revenge on what happened in season 1, and he clearly relishes the opportunity in order to put various people from the BAU against each other. This could be a big part of what lies ahead over the next couple of seasons … but will it be successful?
Whatever was whispered to Luke, it had to be pretty darn bad to generate this sort of reaction. After all, it certainly feels like this is not a particularly easy person to get worked up.
How much does Voit really know?
Clearly, there were some sort of connections between him and Gold Star established through the network that he produced back during the first season. Yet, it does also still feel possible that he knows more even still than he is letting on, and this is (once again) still a game to him.
Related – Check out some other fun scoop now on Criminal Minds: Evolution, this time thanks to Adam Rodrgiuez
What did you think about the two-episode premiere of Criminal Minds: Evolution season 2?
Do you have any big theories when it comes to the whisper? Be sure to share right now in the comments! Once you do, come back — there are other updates ahead.
This article was written by Jessica BunBun.