Is Last Week Tonight with John Oliver new tonight on HBO, 6/2/24?

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver
Photo: HBO

Is Last Week Tonight with John Oliver new tonight on HBO? Based on the events of the last few days, one thing feels clear: The late-night show has a lot of ground here to cover.

Now that this has been spelled out here, let’s go ahead and share the good news: You will have an opportunity to see the series back tonight after a one-week break! Of course, a certain verdict from the past several days will certainly be discussed, but whether or not it is at length remains to be seen here. After all, it is well worth remembering that Oliver loves to dabble much of the time in humor based on facts; in regards to a certain former President here, this is uncharted waters on a legal front and it is hard to render many exact positions. Also, given the fact that the ruling just came in a matter of days ago, it is more likely to assume that there will be a few minutes spent on this tonight but for the most part, a format that is pretty similar to what we’ve seen and come to know over the years.

Is it possible that changes moving into the summer? Sure, especially since the Presidential election is coming.

For those unaware, tonight’s episode will actually begin at 11:00 p.m. Eastern, a rarity for this show to actually have a somewhat “average” start time. Now that this has been said, here is your reminder that come two weeks from now, House of the Dragon is going to be coming on the air. This is almost certainly going to push a lot of the start times all over the place.

Related Be sure to get some more coverage of Last Week Tonight right now

What do you want to see moving into the next Last Week Tonight with John Oliver episode?

Do you think it is a slam dunk that the trial is going to be front and center? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Once you do just that, remember to keep coming back to ensure there are more updates ahead.

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