Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Corn, subsidies, & more

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver
Photo: HBO

The May 19 episode of Last Week Tonight with John Oliver had an opportunity to discuss a lot of current events — and then corn. Seriously, corn.

For whatever reason, though, we were more intrigued with this main segment than some others that we have seen as of late. What’s the reason for that? Well, cornfields are pretty omnipresent when it comes to US society, and it is about as common an ingredient as you are going to find in pretty much everything.

Of course, one of Oliver’s best skills is to be able to take a subject that is so extraordinarily broad and break it down in a super-granular fashion … but he absolutely did here. After all, there was a discussion here about subsidies, drawing revenue, the environmental impact, and a whole lot more. Did you know that corn uses more fertilizer than any other major US crops?

Yes, absolutely the funniest thing about this entire segment is having Oliver, a British man who would probably joke himself about being as far away from a farmer as possible, educate all of us about a subject we should know more about. Given how much of America is made up of farmland, why do we know so little about it? We do think that we learned a lot from watching, but admittedly, what we’ll probably remember most about this segment is the absolutely insane news clips that Oliver and his producers managed to find. You see, for a lot of other shows out there, the only way for them to make people care about subjects like this is to be as crazy as possible.

As for what tonight’s episode also contained, we do think that there was a pretty important piece about German politics that was worth paying attention to, and is also pretty dense and difficult to explain here. Let’s just say this: Those who do not listen to the mistakes of the past are doomed to repeat them.

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