Is Chicago PD new tonight on NBC? Early season 12 hopes

Is Chicago PD new tonight on NBC? We wouldn’t blame anyone, of course, for wanting more of the series sooner rather than later. After all, there is potential for so much good stuff to be explored as we move forward!
So, where do we start off here? We might as well not dally around and share some of the bad news — unfortunately, there is no new episode of the show at the moment. Instead, we’re going to be waiting until we around to the fall (think September or October) to see the series back on the air. It’s going to take a long time to get a lot more news on the future of the show, but the good news here is simple: The writers’ room is starting up this week! That means that everyone involved here can start to get closer to answering some of the real questions at the heart of this story.
Take, for starters, what is going to happen regarding a possible replacement for Hailey Upton in Intelligence. (Will it be Petrovic?) We have a hard time seeing the show not moving forward without someone in that spot. Meanwhile, how is Voight going to recover from her exit? We recognize fully that she is not only alive, but doing rather well as she has a chance to take a big leap forward in her life. However, at the same time there are still some big questions he may have about everyone close to him leaving. That sort of self-doubt could lead to him pushing people away.
There are going to be more criminals and dangerous people on the show moving forward, so you can be prepared for that; however, at the same time we do think there could be at least room for some lighter moments.
Related – Is there going to be a wedding for Ruzek and Burgess on Chicago PD as we move forward?
What do you most want to see moving into Chicago PD season 12 when it premieres?
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