Interview with the Vampire season 2 episode 4: Claudia’s challenge

Interview with the Vampire season 2
Photo: AMC

As we prepare to see Interview with the Vampire season 2 episode 4 on AMC next week, what story will you see stand out?

Well, over the course of the past couple of installments, we’ve had a chance to learn a little bit more about the origins of the Theatre Des Vampires in many forms. Moving forward, meanwhile, there could be more geared towards the conflict ahead.

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Within the world of the show, Claudia has not been seen in the present, and that should feel very much like a cause for concern. What happens to her? Well, within the preview for what lies ahead in episode 4, you end up seeing Claudia challenge Louis. At the same time, Louis will be getting into an altercation, something that has been a long time coming in a handful of different ways. Just remember for a moment here that this is a guy who has also been at a distance from the coven in some ways.

So what is ahead with Armand and Louis’ relationship?

Well, we do continue to think that this is complicated, and there is going to be a lot of conflict ahead between the two in some ways. There are a lot of gaps that need to be filled in, and Armand does still have an odd sort of power over Jacob Anderson’s character. There is an element of love there, but one of the questions that you are still meant to wonder here is simple: What does Armand really understand about love? Is so much of his own feeling clouded by his own experiences of being around Lestat?

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What do you most want to see moving into Interview with the Vampire season 2 episode 4 on AMC?

Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Once you do just that, remember to come back — there are so many other updates ahead.

This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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