Beacon 23 season 2 episode 8 (finale): What was that ending?

Beacon 23 season 1
Photo: MGM+

We certainly had an expectation entering the Beacon 23 season 2 finale that we were going to see things get pretty darn weird. However, we never quite expected the end result to be as strange as it ultimately was.

What was that? Seriously? Are in a position now where Harmony has evolved to the point where she can access and use the Artifact to bring in both Aster and Halan, while also destroying Aleph in the process? Is the presence of that alien-like creature moving forward designed in order to ensure that this all is successful? It seems like she has entered a place that is without fear or judgment based on her actions the first two seasons and through that, she’s been deemed worthy of 1) both this level of access and 2) a rather glamorous costume change. We’ll put that up there with Aleph’s new hairdo as one of the weirder things we’ve seen in what is a super-weird season in general.

Despite whatever it may seem at times, we do remain committed to this idea that there is a specific endgame in mind for Beacon 23. However, the struggle with this show is that it is building towards an eventual ending where it will all make sense … but it probably never will along the way. Also, who knows if we’ll ever get to the ending based on everything we’ve seen so far? It is rather wonderful that we’ve been able to have two great seasons of this show and yet, nothing has been confirmed as of yet regarding a season 3. There is no telling if there will ever be anything more.

Ultimately, we still admire the producers for taking so many bold chances on what is arguably the world’s cheapest sci-fi show, where almost everything takes place on a singular set. However, the entire of the second season proved to be far too confusing for its own good.

Was it nice to see Lena Headey back for the finale? Sure, but where was she for most of the season?

Related Is there going to be a Beacon 23 season 3 at some point down the road?

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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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