Evil season 4 episode 2 spoilers: Leland’s surprising challenge

As you get yourselves to see Evil season 4 episode 2, let alone what’s ahead after the fact, there are admittedly so many things to discuss.
So, what stands out above everything else at the moment? It has to do with Leland and that unborn baby … how can it not? He thinks that he is bringing a sort of ultimate evil into the world. Whether or not that is truly the case is something that is a little bit tricky to comprehend. However, at the same exact time it makes for a really fun discussion about nature versus nurture. If Kristen, for example, is raising this baby, we tend to think they will be okay. Leland, however, is a totally different story.
Of course, there’s an aspect of this storyline that Michael Emerson’s character has clearly never thought about. Even though he wants to bring in this potential horribleness into the world, he has apparently never considered what it would actually look like to do it.
In speaking on this further to TVLine, here is some of what co-creator and executive producer Robert King had to say:
“Leland’s got an apartment that is about minimalism, as most evil people do, and he’s going to be surprised how much s–t and vomit there can be in one space … I think guys don’t really often think about things like changing tables and Diaper Genies. Just a guess.
“He’s an older gentleman who’s probably got his life ordered exactly the way he wants, and it’s like, ‘Uh oh.’”
This could lead to occasionally a little bit of comedy — before, of course, we remember that this show is a drama where a lot of terrible stuff does happen. Inevitably, that is going to define a lot of what you see as we get cloer to the end of the series.
Related – See more news entering Evil season 4 episode 2 now
What do you think we are going to be seeing from Leland and this baby moving forward on Evil season 4?
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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.