Cobra Kai season 6 Atlanta filming wraps; what’s ahead?

Cobra Kai season 5
Photo: Netflix

This is certainly a bittersweet time to be a Cobra Kai fan. It’s a thrill to know that season 6 will be coming soon. However, it’s also the end.

Now, we are a major step closer to the final goodbye, as production in Atlanta has come to a close. This is what executive producer Josh Heald noted on Twitter, but this doesn’t necessarily mean that production elsewhere is done. We do think it is curious that he did not say filming overall, and that tends to make us think that there could still be a little bit of work done somewhere else.

Here is what Heald specifically had to say:

That’s an Atlanta wrap on #CobraKai! Thank you to the people of this incredible city for being the heart and soul of these six special seasons. You’ve made our karate workplace into a true home away from home. Until we meet again… Cobra Kai Never Dies.

Regardless of if there is more to film elsewhere or not, we’re aware already that the sixth season is going to feature a potentially more expansive story than ever. Not only are there going to be more episodes, but there is potential for a huge international tournament. That is something that was referenced close to the end of season 5, but there is no guarantee that Miyagi-do / Eagle Fang make it there. Remember that there is also a major threat coming in the form of John Kreese, who found his way out of prison and more than likely wants revenge.

Be prepared for comedy, action, and of course nostalgia — these are all the things that you would want from this show at the end of the day.

Related Be sure to get some more news on Cobra Kai now, including the premiere date

What do you think we are going to see throughout Cobra Kai season 6?

How do you imagine the show will conclude? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Once you do just that, keep coming back — there is more news on the way.

This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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