Criminal Minds: Evolution season 2 video: David Rossi’s office!

Criminal Minds: Evolution season 2
Photo: Paramount+

As we prepare ourselves for the arrival of Criminal Minds: Evolution season 2 on Paramount+ next month, why not have some fun?

If you head over to the link here now, you can see a behind-the-scenes look with Joe Mantegna at his character David Rossi’s office at the BAU, complete with Chicago Cubs memorabilia, a photo with Ringo Starr, and some personal connections to the actor, as well. All of this is a wonderful reminder of what Joe has brought to the part over the years, and also how much he directly has influenced him.

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Of course, we imagine that Rossi is going to have some incredible material this season, largely because he is so deeply attached to his work and does whatever he can to ensure that bad people are put away. He does often struggle to put away his cases at the end of the day, and that does create a lot of challenges for him in his personal life. He is often haunted, and we can’t wait to see his reaction to the idea of working with Elias Voit.

After all, much of what you see about season 2 is going to be told through the lens of Voit offering his “assistance” to stop Gold Star, one of the most nefarious UnSubs that the BAU has ever crossed paths with over the years. The show may occasionally pay homage to The Silence of the Lambs in its storytelling this time around and honestly, we don’t mind it diving into some really creep-tastic stuff. You know the performances are going to be there, and let’s just hope that ALL of this works to set the stage for a season 3 down the road.

Related Be sure to get some more news on Criminal Minds: Evolution season 2, including the latest on filming

What do you most want to see moving into Criminal Minds: Evolution season 2 on Paramount+?

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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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