Fire Country season 3 spoilers: Will Diego be back?

Fire Country season 2
Photo: CBS

As we prepare to see the Fire Country season 3 premiere this fall on CBS, there is certainly a lot to dive into and think about. What’s one of the biggest elements? Well, that’s simple: The status of Gabriela’s wedding. Did she marry Diego? Bode left the chapel before the vows were read, which does leave us now in this place of absolute uncertainty.

Ultimately, the good thing that we can say here is quite simple: No matter where the story goes from here, you will see resolution. Speaking to TVLine on this subject, showrunner Tia Napolitano confirms that “we’ll see some Diego” at some point moving forward, before adding the following:

“We’ve got to find out how that wedding ended, don’t we?”

Even if we don’t end up seeing Gabriela and Diego get married, we do appreciate the idea that the character won’t just vanish off-screen. That would be such an easy way for this to be handled, and it’s nice to see that this is not ultimately going to be the case. Even if we are all rooting for Bode and Gabriela to end up together, there’s a reason why she and Diego got engaged. We don’t have to tear Diego down in order to build up this other potential coupling, and that is something we appreciate.

Now, let’s just hope that we can actually get some answers early on when it comes to Gabriela’s wedding — after all, the most painful thing ever would be having to wait! At the very least, we are already a little bummed-out about the idea that we have to wait until late September or early October to dive into this world. To think, this is not even confirmed yet and it could still end up being later…

Related Get some more news on Fire Country right now, including some other details on what’s ahead

What do you think we are going to see with Diego, Bode, and Gabriela on Fire Country season 3?

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