Is Dominic Rains leaving Chicago Med, Dr. Crockett Marcel?

Chicago Med season 9
Photo: NBC

Is Dominic Rains leaving Chicago Med and his role of Dr. Crockett Marcel following the events of the season 9 finale tonight?

Well, we should start off here by noting that Marcel clearly went through it in tonight’s episode, dealing with a heart-wrenching set of circumstances that led to a terrible result. At the end of the day, Goodwin assured him that he should not find himself overwhelmed by this tragedy, and should take all the time he needs to recover.

Does this mean that Crockett is leaving the hospital for good? Not necessarily. For starters, there has been zero buzz out there suggesting that Rains is leaving — though we also recognize the concern. Just remember that cast members have come and gone on this show with great frequency over the years, to the point that it feels like Maggie, Dr. Charles, and Goodwin are some of the only constants. Almost anyone else could leave at just about any time and we’d just have to accept it.

Crockett did tell Maggie that he’d see her tomorrow, but that was also explaining his grief and everything that happened to his child in the past. It is a grief that he never really allowed himself to process, largely because he used things like work as a distraction. It was easier to focus on the future in this instance than deal with some overwhelming, all-consuming pain of the past.

For the time being…

Well, let’s just say that everything remains somewhat unclear for Marcel, and that may be the point for the next little while. This show has basically set itself up to go in a number of directions moving forward — and of course, it also is worth noting that there will be a new showrunner moving forward.

Related Get some more news on Chicago Med now, including when the new season is going to premiere

Do you think we are going to see more of Dominic Rains on Chicago Med?

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