The Boys season 4: Karen Fukuhara sets stage for Kimiko story

The Boys season 4
Photo: Prime Video

The premiere of The Boys season 4 is coming to Prime Video next month, but why not get a spotlight from an important person now?

If you head over to the link here now, you can see cast member Karen Fukuhara (Kimiko) do her best to set the stage for what’s to come in a new video! Within this, she recounts some of what happened to her character last season and there is certainly a lot — think about what transpired with losing her powers! Or, the musical number between her and Frenchie! It remains pretty fun to see Karen’s enthusiasm for the part in these featurettes, largely because it feels so different from what we see from the character the vast majority of the time.

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So what would we like to see from Kimiko moving into season 5? Well on paper, you can argue that we are entering a pretty exciting new arc for the character, one that is going to be focused a little bit more on the new dynamics at The Boys with Annie / Starlight now among them. Does everyone want the same thing? That has to be a big question here, especially when you consider the fact that with what Butcher went through last season, there is a chance that he is significantly more unhinged — and also a little bit more dangerous as a result of that.

In general, our overall sentiment about this season is that there could be divisions within almost every organization — sure, some of it may be The Boys versus Vought, but we honestly don’t think that the picture is necessarily that clear. It could be far more complicated at the end of the day.

Related See a new The Boys season 4 “campaign” video right now

What do you most want to see moving into The Boys season 4 over at Prime Video?

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This article was written by Jessica Bunbun.

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