Will Trent season 3 spoilers: What will Angie’s role be?

Will Trent season 2
Photo: ABC

The third season of Will Trent is going to be coming on ABC in 2025 and at this point, it makes sense to have all sorts of questions. Take, for starters, what the role of Angie could be in the story!

The season 2 finale was 100% devastating, and there is no way to get around that at this point. Will had to arrest her for the Crystal cover-up; he never wanted to do it, but felt that he had no choice. It certainly does now set the table for a lot of other questions, and we are curious to see what some of those could be or look like. Is there a chance Angie goes to prison, finds a way to get her job back, or works in a completely different profession?

Well, let’s just put it this way — nobody on the show is keen to give much away, which makes sense given that the new season will not premiere for over six months. Speaking to TVLine, here is at least some of what co-showrunner Liz Heldens had to say:

Everything is on the table now. We have to look at the ecosystem of the show. But we are big, big, big Erika Christensen fans over here. I love watching her, and personally I would follow [Angie] wherever she went.

Now, the hope here certainly remains that moving forward, we’re going to actually get a chance to see all of these different stories play out for Angie where we see her struggle and figure out what’s next for her. It feels clear that her relationship with Will is beyond repair at this point … so talk about really writing yourselves into a tough position with this cliffhanger!

Yet, of course this is also part of the fun that comes with working in television — you get yourselves into a tricky spot and have to find your way out of it.

Related Be sure to get some more news on Will Trent, including some premiere-date hopes

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