Will Trent season 2 finale: Is Crystal dead? Angie arrested?

Will Trent season 2
Photo: ABC

We recognized entering the Will Trent season 2 finale that there were going to be a whole host of devastating moments throughout. However, even still it was hard to predict exactly what it was that we got during the hour.

After all, who anticipated the death of Crystal, or exactly how it happened? Her story with Angie is roped back into the first season, and the sense of responsibility that Angie claims she felt over Crystal and all that happened in the past. She was desperate to protect her and with that in mind, she may have been blind to the possibility of what Crystal was capable of doing. This all put Will in an incredibly difficult position, given his personal relationship with Angie and what they’ve gone through. He wanted to help her, but the situation was tough. The more that she came clean about, and the more jeopardy she put her own career in. She knew that, and we do tend to think that on some level, Will did, as well. He would figure out that she covered for Crystal way back when.

As Will started to put the pieces together, he had to then determine the best way to handle the situation. Crystal’s mom, upon hearing some of Trent’s suspicions, indicated that Angie told her to be quiet and threatened to sue the department.

Then, Will did something that completely floored us — rather than trying to reconcile the present, the character replayed the past again and again and again. All of this led to Will eventually proposing … or, did he propose? It looked like the two had a quickie ceremony at City Hall, but it all moved too quickly. It was a dream, or what he wanted rather than what he got. He knew that what what in his heart was different than what he was bound to do — arresting Angie for the cover-up.

This is what ultimately happened at the end of the season, as Angie was put in handcuffs. That was it. That is your cliffhanger and we still can’t take it. That’s without even mentioning that Will taking off with Betty “for a little while.”

Related When is Will Trent season 3 going to premiere?

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