Sugar season 2 renewal hopes: Show EP on possible stories

Sugar season 1
Photo: Apple TV+

At the time of this writing, we are still waiting to see if we will get a Sugar season 2 at Apple TV+ or not. Are we hopeful? Sure, but a hope is not a guarantee and we’re aware of that!

With this in mind, let’s transfer over to the following question: If the show does come back, what is the story going to be? There are a lot of things that we’re left to wonder about here. Rest assured that, of course, the producers are doing the same exact thing.

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Speaking to Den of Geek, executive producer Simon Kinberg did his best to explain what some of the central themes are that he would like to see explored coming up:

… If we do [come back for more], I think it would be an opportunity to continue Sugar to figure out where he fits into planet Earth because he was here on a mission in season 1 and he was part of a community of people like him in season 1. Now he does not have a stated mission from his community, he has the mystery of wanting to figure out his family. He does not have a mystery to solve nor a larger question about the human species to solve for his own species.

The second season would really go from “Who are these people and who are we in relation to them” to something a bit more personal, like “How do I find my place, my home, and my people down here?” While the mystery for him would be more personal and we’d want to find a new mystery for him to solve as a detective, it would be an even more intimate season because he’d really be alone. He’d have no, at least what he thought to be, protectors down here.

Remember that Ruby seems to have left the planet, and Henry may be the only adversary that remains. Then again, there could also be a new case! Almost everything within this upcoming season could prove different … but isn’t that a part of the fun here?

Related Get more news on Sugar now, including more of our renewal hopes

What do you most want to see moving into a possible Sugar season 2?

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