Survivor 46: Is Q Burdette a lock for season 50?

Survivor 46
Photo: CBS

In the midst of all the promotion for Survivor 46 the past few weeks, Jeff Probst confirmed that season 50 will feature returning players.

With that in mind, let’s also raise the following question: Is Q Burdette one of the most likely contenders out there? We know that contestants from the new era are not exclusively going to be asked back, but there are a handful of them that could be considered near locks. Shan is a great example, whereas Jesse is another. Meanwhile, Q Burdette was far and away one of the stars of this season, and he is coming off of a big mistake where he did not play his immunity idol at Tribal Council.

So long as Q wants to come back — and it does seem like he does — you can go ahead and consider him to be a sure thing. Speaking on this further to TV Insider, here is some of what host and executive producer Jeff Probst had to say (prior to the most recent episode airing):

Q is a great example of a player whom we really wanted on the show and we never saw [certain parts] of his game at any point during the casting process. He’s so unpredictable and so electric and polarizing. And another player that you could say is on the invite list to come back [for Season 50]. There really are just so many.

If there a significant concern that we have for Q moving forward, it is that his gameplay this season could make him an immediate threat. However, at the same time a returnee season would be full of big personalities who are all eager to play hard. He could fit in just fine in that mix!

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Do you want to want to see Q back on Survivor following his recent exit?

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