The Amazing Race 36 finale: Who won?

The Amazing Race 36
Photo: CBS

Who won The Amazing Race 36? You can argue that in some ways, there was almost no suspense entering tonight’s finale. Ricky & Cesar were the most dominant team in the history of the show. Sure, we’ve heard the various claims that the two had advantages this season, especially with them being able to speak Spanish and the show visiting a ton of Spanish-speaking countries all season. Meanwhile, there have not been a lot of different major equalizers or resets compared to other seasons.

What’s our country to these claims? Well, let’s start off here by noting that there are other teams who have spoken Spanish and at the end of the day, their dominance is due mostly to their communication and well-rounded skills that allow them to excel around the board.

Still, just because you win a ton of legs all season does not mean that you are going to win the finale. There were still two legs in the episode tonight, and there were other teams still in the running who won a leg in the past! The only team that seemingly had no shot was Amber & Vinny, largely because it was hard to imagine them running the finale without getting in their own way.

(Fittingly, the two ended up finishing in fourth and getting eliminated — which led to Vinny proposing to her.)

The final leg

We appreciate the fact that there was so much US history in Philadelphia, though it also was not the most exciting finale in the world. The moment that Ricky & Cesar got ahead there, it felt clear that they would not let go of their lead. They race with such a calm, cool, and collective style that it makes it really hard for them to make a mistake. They are the winners!

Now, the irony here is that the closest the two came to being out of the running was in the first part of the finale, when they actually arrived in third place, mere minutes before Amber & Vinny.

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Who were you rooting for entering The Amazing Race 36 finale?

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